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10 Things To Consider When Moving From Texas to California

1. Cost of Living: The cost of living varies widely from state to state, so research the cost of housing, taxes, transportation, and other expenses to determine whether it’s feasible to live in your new location.

Texas Cost of Living vs. California:

The cost of living in Texas is generally lower than in California. This is due to a variety of factors, including differences in housing costs, taxes, and overall cost of goods and services.

Housing costs are typically lower in Texas than in California. For example, the median home price in California is over $700,000, while in Texas it is around $280,000. Rent prices are also generally lower in Texas, with the average rent for a one-bedroom apartment in California being around $2,000, compared to around $1,000 in Texas.

Taxes in Texas are generally lower than in California, with no state income tax in Texas compared to California’s top marginal tax rate of 13.3%. Additionally, sales tax rates in Texas are generally lower than in California, with some cities in Texas having no sales tax at all.

The cost of goods and services is also generally lower in Texas than in California. For example, gasoline prices in Texas are typically lower than in California due to lower state taxes on gasoline. Additionally, the cost of groceries and other consumer goods is generally lower in Texas.

However, it’s important to note that these are general trends and there are regional variations within both states. Some areas in California may have a lower cost of living than some areas in Texas and vice versa. It’s also important to consider factors such as job opportunities, climate, and lifestyle preferences when comparing the cost of living between two states.

2. Job Market: If you’re relocating for work, you’ll want to research the job market in the new state. Consider the unemployment rate, job growth, and industry sectors.

Texas Job Market Vs. California

The job market in Texas and California differs in several ways, including their respective industries, cost of living, and population.

In terms of industries, Texas is known for its robust oil and gas industry, with several large energy companies based in the state. Additionally, Texas has a strong healthcare and technology sector, with major companies such as Dell, IBM, and Texas Instruments headquartered in the state. California, on the other hand, is known for its entertainment industry, including film, television, and music. It also has a strong technology sector, with Silicon Valley being one of the world’s most prominent technology hubs. California also has a thriving agriculture industry and is home to several major ports and shipping centers.

When it comes to cost of living, Texas generally has a lower cost of living than California, with lower housing costs, lower taxes, and lower overall expenses. However, the cost of living in some of the larger cities in Texas, such as Austin and Dallas, has been increasing in recent years, especially in terms of housing costs. California has a reputation for having a high cost of living, especially in cities such as San Francisco and Los Angeles.

In terms of population, California has a larger population than Texas, with an estimated 39.5 million residents as of 2021 compared to Texas’ 29.2 million residents. This means that California has a larger workforce and job market, with more opportunities available overall.

Overall, both Texas and California have strong job markets with unique opportunities and challenges. The best job market for an individual will depend on their specific skills, career goals, and personal preferences.

3. Housing: Research the housing market in the new state, including the availability of rentals and the cost of buying a home.

The Housing Marketing Texas vs. California

The housing market in Texas and California are often compared due to their size and economic importance. While both states have strong economies and vibrant housing markets, there are significant differences in terms of affordability, housing stock, and market trends.


Texas has a more affordable housing market compared to California. The median home price in Texas is around $275,000, whereas in California, the median home price is over $700,000. This difference in prices can be attributed to a number of factors, including differences in land costs, building regulations, and demand for housing. In general, Texas is considered to be a more affordable state to live in compared to California.

Housing stock:

Both states have diverse housing options, including single-family homes, apartments, and townhomes. However, California has a more limited housing supply due to restrictive zoning laws, environmental regulations, and a lack of available land. This has led to a housing shortage in many parts of the state, which has driven up prices and made it difficult for many people to afford a home. In contrast, Texas has more land available for development and fewer regulatory hurdles, resulting in a greater supply of housing options.

Market trends:

The housing market in both states has experienced significant growth in recent years, but there are some notable differences. In California, housing prices have increased rapidly in many areas, leading to concerns about affordability and access to housing. In Texas, the housing market has also grown, but at a more moderate pace. Additionally, Texas has seen a significant influx of people moving to the state, which has contributed to increased demand for housing.

Overall, while both Texas and California have strong housing markets, there are significant differences in terms of affordability, housing stock, and market trends. For those looking for more affordable housing options and a greater supply of homes, Texas may be a better option. However, those looking for certain amenities and a more stable market may find California to be a better fit. Ultimately, the decision will depend on individual preferences, priorities, and financial circumstances.

4. Climate: Consider the climate of the new state and whether you’re comfortable with it. Some areas may experience extreme heat, cold, or other weather conditions.

Texas Climate vs. California

Texas and California have very different climates due to their geographic location and topography. Texas is located in the southern part of the United States, while California is located on the west coast.

Texas has a humid subtropical climate in the east and a semi-arid climate in the west. Summers in Texas are hot and humid with temperatures reaching over 100°F (37.8°C) in some areas. Winters are mild, but temperatures can drop below freezing in the north and west. Texas also experiences frequent thunderstorms, tornadoes, and hurricanes.

California has a Mediterranean climate along the coast and a desert climate in the inland areas. Summers are warm and dry with temperatures reaching over 100°F (37.8°C) in some areas. Winters are mild and rainy along the coast, while inland areas are cold and dry. California is also prone to wildfires, especially during the dry summer months.

In terms of precipitation, California receives most of its rain from November to April, while Texas receives rain throughout the year, but with a peak in the spring.

Overall, Texas and California have very different climates, with Texas being hotter and more humid, and California having a Mediterranean climate with mild winters and hot, dry summers.

5. Education: If you have children, research the quality of education in the new state, including schools, districts, and universities.

Education in Texas vs California

Texas and California are two of the largest states in the United States, and they both have unique educational systems. In this answer, we will compare and contrast education in Texas and California.

A. Public School Systems:

Both Texas and California have large public school systems. However, California has a more extensive network of public schools, with more than 10,000 schools, while Texas has around 9,000 public schools. California also spends more per pupil on education than Texas, with an average per-pupil expenditure of around $13,000 compared to Texas’ $11,000. Additionally, California has a higher teacher-to-student ratio than Texas, with one teacher for every 19 students, while Texas has one teacher for every 22 students.

B. Higher Education:

Both states have well-established higher education systems. California has one of the largest university systems in the world, the University of California, which consists of ten campuses and is highly respected for its research and academic programs. Texas also has several highly respected universities, such as the University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University. However, California has a more extensive network of community colleges than Texas, providing more opportunities for students to access higher education at a lower cost.

C. Standardized Testing:

Both Texas and California require students to take standardized tests, such as the SAT and ACT. However, Texas places a greater emphasis on standardized testing, with students required to pass the STAAR test in order to graduate high school. In contrast, California recently eliminated the requirement for students to take the SAT or ACT for college admissions.

D. Charter Schools:

Both states allow for the establishment of charter schools, which are publicly funded but operate independently of the traditional public school system. However, California has more charter schools than Texas, with approximately 1,300 compared to Texas’ 700.

In conclusion, while both Texas and California have well-established educational systems, California has a larger public school system and spends more per pupil on education, while Texas places a greater emphasis on standardized testing. Both states have highly respected universities, with California having a more extensive network of community colleges. Overall, the education system in both states has its strengths and weaknesses and is constantly evolving to meet the needs of students and the workforce.

6. Healthcare: Research the availability and quality of healthcare facilities in the new state.

Healthcare in Texas vs. California

Healthcare in Texas and California can vary significantly due to differences in healthcare policies, demographics, and healthcare infrastructure. Here are some key factors to consider:

A. Healthcare Policies:
Texas and California have different healthcare policies that can impact the delivery and access to healthcare. For instance, California has implemented the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and expanded Medicaid, which has helped to increase the number of insured individuals. In contrast, Texas did not expand Medicaid and has more restrictive policies regarding access to healthcare for undocumented immigrants.

B. Demographics:
The demographics of Texas and California are also different, which can impact healthcare needs and delivery. Texas has a larger percentage of uninsured individuals and a higher poverty rate than California. Additionally, Texas has a higher percentage of rural residents, which can make access to healthcare more challenging.

C. Healthcare Infrastructure:
Both Texas and California have well-developed healthcare infrastructures, but there are some differences in terms of the availability of healthcare providers and facilities. California has a higher number of hospitals, physicians, and other healthcare providers per capita than Texas. However, rural areas of both states can experience healthcare provider shortages.

D. Cost of Healthcare:
The cost of healthcare can also vary between Texas and California. California has higher healthcare costs overall due to factors such as higher wages for healthcare workers and higher costs for medical technology and supplies. Texas, on the other hand, has lower healthcare costs on average, but this can also be attributed to the fact that many Texans are uninsured or underinsured.

In summary, healthcare in Texas and California can differ significantly due to differences in healthcare policies, demographics, healthcare infrastructure, and the cost of healthcare. While both states have well-developed healthcare systems, individuals in each state may experience different healthcare challenges depending on their specific circumstances.

7. Transportation: Consider the transportation options in the new state, including public transportation, highways, and airports.

Both Texas and California are large states with expansive transportation systems, but they differ in terms of the modes of transportation available and the overall quality and accessibility of those options.

Public Transportation:

California has a more robust and comprehensive public transportation system than Texas. California has a variety of public transportation options including buses, light rail, commuter rail, subways, and ferries. The Los Angeles Metro and San Francisco Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) systems are two of the largest and most popular public transportation systems in the country. Additionally, many cities in California have their own public transportation systems, such as San Diego’s Metropolitan Transit System and Sacramento’s Regional Transit.

Texas, on the other hand, has a more limited public transportation system. Most cities in Texas have bus systems, but only a few have light rail or commuter rail systems. Dallas and Houston both have light rail systems, while Austin has a commuter rail system. Additionally, some cities have ride-share services like Uber and Lyft.


Both Texas and California have extensive highway systems, but Texas has more miles of highways than California. Texas has over 79,000 miles of highways, while California has about 50,000 miles. However, California has some of the busiest and most congested highways in the country, particularly in the Los Angeles and San Francisco Bay areas. Texas also has its share of traffic congestion, particularly in urban areas like Dallas, Houston, and Austin.


Both Texas and California have numerous airports, but California has more major international airports than Texas. California has five major international airports: Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), San Francisco International Airport (SFO), San Diego International Airport (SAN), Oakland International Airport (OAK), and San Jose International Airport (SJC). Texas has three major international airports: Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport (DFW), George Bush Intercontinental Airport (IAH) in Houston, and San Antonio International Airport (SAT).

In conclusion, California generally has better public transportation options and more major international airports, but Texas has a larger highway system. Both states have their transportation advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of transportation largely depends on individual preferences and needs.

8. Safety: Research the crime rate in the new state and in the specific areas where you plan to live.

Crime rates in Texas vs. California

Comparing the crime rates of two states can be a complex task as there are numerous factors that can influence crime statistics, including population density, socio-economic conditions, law enforcement policies, and cultural factors.

However, according to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) program, which collects data on crimes reported by law enforcement agencies across the country, California has a higher overall crime rate than Texas.

In 2019, California had a total of 1,096,670 reported crimes, including violent crimes (homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) and property crimes (burglary, larceny-theft, and motor vehicle theft). This translated to a rate of 2,771.1 crimes per 100,000 people.

In contrast, Texas had a total of 667,054 reported crimes in 2019, with a rate of 2,314.8 crimes per 100,000 people. While Texas had a lower overall crime rate than California, it did have a slightly higher rate of violent crime, with 405.4 violent crimes per 100,000 people compared to California’s rate of 373.7 per 100,000 people.

It’s also worth noting that crime rates can vary significantly within a state, and some cities in Texas and California have higher crime rates than others. Therefore, it’s important to consider the specific locations being compared rather than making generalizations about the entire state.

9. Culture and Lifestyle: Consider the local culture and lifestyle of the new state, including entertainment, dining, and outdoor activities.

Texas and California are two of the largest states in the United States, and both have their unique culture and lifestyle. Here’s a brief comparison of the two:

1. Culture:
Texas is known for its cowboy culture, with rodeos, country music, and barbecue being staples of the Texan way of life. The state is also known for its love of football, especially high school football, which is almost a religion in Texas. On the other hand, California is more known for its laid-back, beachy vibe, with surfing, skateboarding, and yoga being popular activities. California is also known for its film industry, which has a huge influence on popular culture worldwide.

2. Lifestyle:
Texas has a lower cost of living compared to California, and this is reflected in the lifestyle of its residents. Texans tend to have larger homes and yards, and it’s common to see people driving pickup trucks. The state also has a strong gun culture, with open carry being legal. In contrast, California has a higher cost of living, and residents tend to live in smaller homes or apartments. People in California tend to prioritize health and wellness, with organic and locally sourced foods being popular, and many residents are vegan or vegetarian.

3. Diversity:
Both Texas and California are diverse states, but California is more known for its cultural diversity. The state has a large Hispanic population, and it’s common to hear Spanish being spoken in many parts of the state. California also has a large Asian population, especially in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles. Texas, on the other hand, has a large Hispanic population as well, but it also has a significant African American population, especially in cities like Houston and Dallas.

Overall, Texas and California are two very different states with their unique culture and lifestyle. Both have their pros and cons, and it ultimately depends on personal preference when it comes to choosing between the two.

10. Community: Research the local community, including local events, organizations, and amenities, to determine whether it’s a good fit for you and your family.

Texas and California are two very different states with their own unique local communities and events. While both states share some similarities, there are also notable differences between the two.

One major difference is the size of the local communities. Texas is a large state with many small towns and rural areas. This often leads to close-knit communities with a strong sense of identity and tradition. In contrast, California has a much larger population and is more urbanized, with a greater emphasis on individualism and diversity. As a result, local communities in California can be more diverse and cosmopolitan, but also less tightly knit.

Another difference is the types of events that take place in each state. Texas is known for its rodeos, county fairs, and other events that celebrate its cowboy culture and Western heritage. These events often involve activities such as bull riding, barrel racing, and calf roping, and they attract large crowds of people from all over the state. In California, events tend to be more varied, with a greater emphasis on music, food, and cultural festivals. For example, there are numerous music festivals throughout California, including the famous Coachella and Outside Lands festivals, as well as food festivals such as the Gilroy Garlic Festival and the Oxnard Strawberry Festival.

Another significant difference is the political culture in each state, which can influence the types of events that take place. Texas is generally considered a more conservative state, with a strong emphasis on traditional values and patriotism. This is reflected in events such as Fourth of July parades and military appreciation days. In contrast, California tends to be more liberal, with a greater emphasis on environmentalism, social justice, and LGBTQ+ rights. As a result, events such as Pride parades, environmental rallies, and protests against police brutality are more common in California.

Overall, while both Texas and California have their own unique local communities and events, they differ in terms of size, cultural values, and types of events. Texas tends to emphasize its cowboy culture and patriotism, while California has a more diverse and cosmopolitan culture with an emphasis on music, food, and social justice.

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